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Visualizing Information in the Calendar
Visualizing Information in the Calendar

How to visualize and customize what is shown in the Calendar.

Jakob Larsson Stern avatar
Written by Jakob Larsson Stern
Updated over 6 months ago

The Calendar page in Waitwhile 3.0 is made to be customized to your business needs, meaning you can choose to show the most important stuff first and hide the rest!

There are a number of ways in which you can accomplish this, including:

  • Display settings, which allow you to set what information you want displayed for each visit.

  • Filters enable you to choose which specific visits you want to see.

  • Daily and Weekly views let you decide how to view the calendar slots.

  • Resource views provide the ability to show view by one or multiples resources.

  • Calendar zoom gives you the option to increase or decrease the size of the slots.

Let's take a closer look.

Display settings

The Display settings on the Calendar page is a new feature that gives you the opportunity to choose what information is visible in each booking slot. You can find them by clicking on βš™ in the top right corner and then choosing Calendar properties.

Image of Calendar tab showing Zoom feature in display settings.

Here, you can see which properties you have currently chosen to display. And, by clicking on the ✎ icon you can edit them as you see fit.

Image of Calendar tab with Calendar properties pop up menu.

To apply your settings once you've customized them, there are a few different ways to save them. Each user can save their own display settings by just closing the modal. Users with ADMIN or OWNER level permissions will be able to save a location-wide set of Display settings for all users.


With the filtering function, you can easily decide which kinds of visits you want displayed on the Calendar page. Perhaps you only want to see prioritized visits, or visits with a certain type of service.

Image of Calendar tab with filter pop up menu displayed.

Filtering categories and logic

You can filter your visits based on up to three categories: Resources, Services, and Tags. The filtering logic uses both logical AND and OR operators. Within each category, we leverage a logical AND between choices, meaning that all choices must be found in a visit to be included in the result. However, between categories we leverage a logical OR, which means that the output will include all results with matches from each category.

Note: The badge on the filter icon shows how many filters are currently applied.

Daily and Weekly views

Quickly switch between Daily and Weekly views by making choices in the dropdown next to the Date range picker. You can also access Daily view by clicking on the date when in Weekly view - and vice versa!

Image of Daily view option on the Calendar tab

Resource views

If you are using Resources, you can choose to show different resources as different columns, as opposed to all in one column. You can access this toggle from the Display settings modal.

Image of the Calendar tab's Display settings pop up menu with the option to show resources as a separate column selected.

Additionally, you can choose to act as a resource, i.e. filtering the calendar from the perspective of a certain resource. Simply click on the Resource avatars in the top right corner, next to the search bar, and choose any resource. You can also update the availability of any resource from here, much like on the Visits page. To read more about managing and acting as resources, check this out.

Image of filtered view of the Calendar so staff can only see slots related to selected resource.

Calendar zoom

Depending on how much information you have chosen to display on your Calendar bookings, you might want to make the booking cards larger. Now, you can easily accomplish this by again going into Display settings and adjusting the Zoom lever.

Image of Calendar tab showing Zoom feature in display settings.

The above picture shows booking cards that are a lot smaller than the ones in the picture below. Try playing with the Zoom feature to find out what works best for you!

Image of Calendar tab showing Zoom feature in display settings.

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