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Copy location settings

How to easily copy or bulk update settings between locations

Jakob Larsson Stern avatar
Written by Jakob Larsson Stern
Updated over a week ago

Managing multiple locations is quick and easy with our Copy settings feature. You can duplicate settings between locations, saving time and ensuring consistency across your business. Simply select specific settings or transfer everything in just a few clicks.

Lets look into how it is done.

Copy settings from a specific location

Follow these steps to apply location settings from one location in your account to one or multiple other locations.

  1. Find the location you want to copy settings from

  2. Click the dropdown menu for that location and select Copy settings

  3. On the page that opens, the chosen location is pre-selected in the From dropdown but you can also update any selections from here

  4. Select the location or locations you wan to apply the settings to

  5. Select the settings you want to import (see Available settings)

Confirm your selection to complete the import.

How to copy settings to multiple locations

To update more than one location's settings at once, you can either add more locations in the To section to receive the settings, or use the multi-select option from the Locations page.

  1. From Account overview > Locations, use the multi-select option to choose the locations whose setting you would like to update, and select Copy settings to in the toolbar (use the filter to narrow down the selection to only include e.g. active locations or locations with a certain label value)

  2. On the page that opens, decide if you want to copy settings from a file or from a different location in the From section

  3. In the To section, your target locations should already be indicated (these can be changed as you like)

  4. Select the settings you want to import (see Available settings)

Confirm your selection to complete the import.

Import or export locations from or to a file

In instances where you want to copy settings to a location in a separate account or use a standardized set of settings, you can select to export settings to a CSV sheet by selecting File and then simply use that file for importing settings to any Waitwhile location.

Available settings

When selecting to copy all settings, this includes all properties tied to that location, excluding only location-unique ones. These include Location ID, Location name, Location short name, and Location address.

or select specific ones, except for a A few settings cannot be copied. Other than that, you can choose to copy all location settings or select specific ones:

General location settings

  • Automation: Settings for automated operations

  • Bookings: Booking options and rules

  • Custom design: Custom theme and content

  • Customer arrival: Settings related to the customer arrival experience

  • Integrations: Settings for integrating third-party apps

  • Localization: Region, time zone, currency, and localized business terms

  • Location details: General details and contact information (excluding Opening hours)

  • Opening hours: Business opening hours in local time zone

  • Public displays: Settings for public-facing displays

  • Public registration: General settings for your public customers registration

  • Resource options: Settings for how resources are displayed and assigned

  • Saved replies: Saved replies for two-way customer communication

  • Service options: Settings for how services are displayed and assigned

  • Waitlist: Waitlist options and rules

Note: Using the Properties dropdown allows you to make more granular selections than the general settings checkboxes. The properties will automatically populate as you check boxes in the Select settings section.

Additional configurations

  • Input fields: Allows the user to create local or shared input fields, as well as the option to overwrite any existing input fields.

  • Resources: Gives you the option to create local or shared resources, as well as the option to overwrite any existing resources.

  • Services: Provides options to create local or shared services, as well as the option to overwrite any existing services.

  • Message templates: Copies any message templates, while allowing for the opportunity to overwrite any existing templates. Please note that only templates for languages available on the target location will be imported/exported.

  • Display settings: Makes it possible to include the display settings from the location, while also providing the option to delete any existing settings.

  • Customer journey terms: Including this option will overwrite any already existing updates to customer journey terms.

Note: These additional configurations (input fields, resources, services, message templates, display settings, and guest experience localizations) can only be copied as complete sets - you cannot select individual items within these categories.

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