Waitwhile allows you to customize the specific details for each location in your account. Setting up these details helps manage customer experiences, from displaying location-specific information to adjusting the accuracy of other Waitwhile features.
Steps to Configure Location Details:
Log in to Waitwhile and navigate to the Location Settings tab.
Select Location details, fill out the location name, contact information, address, and any relevant information that you wish to display to your customers as they register to your business.
Click Save to apply the changes.
Helpful Tips:
Location logo: The icon is used to distinguish your locations both internally in the Staff Experience and on public pages. Use a square logo for best results.
Internal: Logo appears in the upper right corner and navigates to other locations that you, as a user, has access to view.
Public Logo: The logo is prominently featured on your public pages and other customer-facing materials. Use a rectangular logo for be results
Location name: Your location name can be used to distinguish your locations internally and display on your public pages
Location display name: Customize this field if you wish to change the Location name on your public pages from what you might use internally.
Example: 0012 Revival Day Spa may be your Location name, while Revival Day Spa Atlanta is your Location display name.
Location short name: A shortened location name that is used in public page URLs.
This name cannot be used by any other location, must be Alpha numeric all lower case without special characters except for dash. It must be more than 4 characters and no more than 30 characters (max of 20 letters and 10 numbers)
Location Phone: Add your business phone number to enable call forwarding for SMS messages. If a customer calls the SMS sending number, the call will automatically redirect to your business phone, ensuring seamless communication.
Location Address: Include your location address if you want to provide directions for customers through Google Maps or enable Reserve with Google for your restaurant waitlist.
Coming Soon: Display your website, business phone and email contact on your public pages.
Have additional questions or need assistance? Reach out to us via chat or at support@waitwhile.com.