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[New settings] How to configure Resources in Waitwhile
[New settings] How to configure Resources in Waitwhile

Learn how to create, add, and manage resources in Waitwhile

Christina Kokkinou avatar
Written by Christina Kokkinou
Updated this week

Setting up Resources in Waitwhile ensures efficient management of your staff, rooms, equipment, or other assets needed to deliver your services. This guide will walk you through how to configure resources for smooth scheduling and avoid conflicts.

How to create a Resource

  1. Access the Resource Settings:

  2. Add a New Resource:

    • Click Add Resource.

    • Enter the resource name (e.g., "John Doe - Stylist" or "Room 1").

  3. Assign Resource Details:

    • Category: Select or create a category for the resource (e.g., "Stylists" or "Rooms").

    • Display Name (optional): This is the name that your customers will see on your Waitlist and Booking pages. The Resource Name is used by default. (e.g. internal name is Michelle, customer facing name is technician)

    • Description (Optional) : If customers are able to choose their resource, give a brief description of the resource.

  4. Enable for Specific Services:

    • Choose which services this resource can perform. For example, a stylist can be assigned to haircuts, but not massages.

  5. Link to User (Optional)

    • Link to User: Link a user to a resource. This will allow the user to login and operate Waitwhile as the linked resource, moving customers through the journey and gaining specific insights on the users daily operations.

    • Email Address: Enter an email address if you wish to add a new user to Waitwhile and link them to the Resource. We will automatically send them an invite to join your account.

  6. Set Capacity (Optional):

    • Max simultaneous served visits: Some Resources are able to serve more than one customer at a time, you can adjust this here. The default value is set to 1.

    • Bookings limit per day: Set the limit to how many Bookings your Resource can service per day.

  7. Configure Availability:

    • Availability: You can set your resources availability to match your business hours or you can set custom schedules for each resource for more complex operations.

    • Registration types: Specify whether your resource can serve customers from your Waitlist, Bookings, or Both.

    • Privacy: Customize the visibility your customers will have during the registration process.

    • Locations: Make this Resource available across multiple or only one Location on your Waitwhile account.

  8. Save Changes:

    • Click Save to finalize the resource configuration.

Pro Tip : Don't overcomplicate it! If your business only has one Resource that provides Services for your customers, don't add Resources.

Optional Configurations:

  • Web Address: Useful for virtual meetings, if you want to include a virtual meeting link.

  • Phone: Important to add in a phone number of the resource if you plan to use Team Notifications to alert your resources of a booking, cancellation, or change in their schedule.

  • Speed to complete service : How quickly this resource completes the service (e.g. If this resource is known to complete a 30 min service if 15 min, you can adjust the speed to 0.5. This will adjust wait times for this particular resource.

  • Image: Add an image to accompany the resource for better visibility for your customers.

  • Color: Customize the color resource which can appear on the visits page & calendar page for better staff visibility.

  • Order: Customize the order in which Resources appear on your public registration pages, by manually ordering them 1 to ... The default value is set to 0.

How to manage Resources

  1. Edit Existing Resources: Click the three-dot menu next to the resource to update details or availability.

  2. Deactivate or Delete: If a resource is no longer needed, you can deactivate it (temporarily remove it from the booking flow) or delete it permanently.

Image depicting the Edit option to edit a Resource.

Warning: Deleting a Resource will NOT remove any existing bookings, but will remove the assignment to the resource.

By properly configuring resources in Waitwhile, you ensure smoother operations, reduce booking conflicts, and enhance the customer experience.

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