Query parameters allow you to customize public links in Waitwhile by pre-filling information, filtering data, or enhancing user experience. By adding query parameters to your URLs, you can streamline customer interactions and improve efficiency.
Understanding Query Parameters
A query parameter is a component of a URL that passes data to a web page, allowing customization of content or functionality. It consists of a key-value pair appended to a URL after a ?
. Multiple parameters can be added using &
For example:
Commonly used query parameters
1. To pre-fill customer information
You can pre-fill Check-in and Scheduling page forms with customer information such as name, phone number, email, and external customer ID.
– Prefills the customer’s namephone
– Adds a pre-filled phone numberemail
– Prefills an email addressexternal customer ID
– Prefills an customer ID that you may use such as a membership or patient record number
Learn more about Pre-filling customer information with query parameters
2. To automatically select a specific Service or Resource
Similarly to pre-filling customer information, you can also use query parameters to pre-select services or resources.
– Selects a specific service automaticallystaff
– Assigns a specific staff member
These query parameters utilize the individual Service ID and Resource ID, which can be found in the Service/Resource edit module for each individual service/resource.
To pre-select Services: (using Service ID examples)
serviceID (Join Waitlist)/book/yourLocationName?service=
serviceID (Schedule Booking)
You can add on multiple services by adding &service= for each additional service:
To pre-select Resources: (using Resource ID examples)
resourceID (Join Waitlist)/book/yourLocationName?resource=
resourceID (Schedule Booking)
You can add on multiple resources by adding &resource= for each additional resource:
Note: If you use a query parameter to pre-select services or resources, it will skip that respective selection page of the join/scheduling signup flow.
Have additional questions or need assistance? Reach out to us via chat or at support@waitwhile.com.