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How to set up customer actions for waitlist
How to set up customer actions for waitlist

Give customers that ability to take actions as their turn approaches

Lindsey Gagnon avatar
Written by Lindsey Gagnon
Updated over a month ago

Give customers the ability to take several actions within Waitwhile as their turn approaches. These actions can help streamline their visit experience, while keeping your staff informed and organized.

Action options will appear on the Status Page, the real-time interface where customers can view live updates about their upcoming visit. After joining the waitlist, customers receive a unique link to their personal status page, which they can access from their mobile device or computer.

Customer Actions

  • Allow customer to mark themselves as Arrived: Customers can let staff know that they have arrived. The “Arrived” label will be added to the visit.

  • Allow customer to mark themselves as Delayed: Customers can let staff know that they are running late. The “Delayed” label will be added to the visit.

  • Allow alerted customer to confirm their visit: Customers that have been notified can confirm their visit. The “Confirmed” label will be added to the visit.

  • Allow customer to leave the line: Customers are allowed to leave the waitlist.

  • Allow customer to convert their visit to a booking: Customers can convert their visit into a booking from the status page.

  • Allow customers to edit their details: Customers are allowed edit their details on their waitlist status page.

Now that you have configured your customer actions, you are ready to customize your Display Settings which will allow you to manage the information that your customers see during the visit.

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