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Managing Customer Flows with States and Tags in Waitwhile
Managing Customer Flows with States and Tags in Waitwhile

How to use States and Tags to track your customers through their waitlist or booking journey

Lindsey Gagnon avatar
Written by Lindsey Gagnon
Updated over 5 months ago

Waitwhile helps manage a variety of customer flows, from waitlists to bookings, allowing you to track where your guests are in their journey. Two (2) key tools for tracking this are States and Tags.


States represent stages in the customer visit lifecycle, triggered by staff actions, customer actions, or automations. Here are the key states:

  1. PENDING: The customer has a booking held

  2. DRAFT: The customer has requested a booking and is waiting for approval

  3. BOOKED: The customer has an active booking, waiting to be served.

  4. WAITING: The customer is added to the waitlist, pending service.

  5. SERVING: The guest is currently being served, marked after transitioning from BOOKED or WAITLISTED.

  6. COMPLETE: The visit is over, and the guest is no longer active.


Tags provide additional context about a visit and can notify staff of important updates. Tags by themselves do not change the visitโ€™s state but can configured to an automated workflow that does alter the state when a visit has a tag applied.

Tags can be triggered by an action taken by the staff, customer, or automation.

Image of available tags for a visit.

Below is a full list of Waitwhile Tags and how they can be used:

  • ALERTED: The customer has been alerted. This is typically triggered by a staff member clicking the yellow bell icon on the visits page, clicking into the customers contact card and selecting the alert button, or an automated workflow.

    Image of visit highlighting alert icon.
  • ARRIVED: This is an information tag that can be added by either the customer or a staff member. It lets business know that the customer has arrived and is ready to be served.

    Image of visit with arrived tag
  • CAPACITY: This tag is applied to an anonymous visit when added to the waitlist while utilizing Waitwhile's Capacity Management feature.

    Image of customer added when capacity management is enabled.
  • CANCELLED: A visit or booking that has been cancelled. This can be initiated by the customer, staff member or an automated workflow.

    This tag will automatically complete the visit and remove the customer from the waitlist or booking column on the visits page.

    Image of canceled tag
  • CONFIRMED: This is an information tag that can be added by either the customer, staff member, or automatically via a workflow. It serves the purpose of letting the business know that the customer intends to attend their visit. This tag or lack thereof does not automatically change the state of the visit or booking.

    Image of confirmed tag
  • DELAYED: This is an information tag that can be added by either the customer or a staff member. It serves the purpose of letting the business know that the customer is not going to arrive on time or is running late. It does not change the state of the visit or booking, but could be tied to a workflow

    Image of delayed tag
  • EXPIRED: This tag is applied to a visit or a booking that is removed using automated removal settings. The auto-remove rule can be set up for booked, waitlisted and served states.

    Example: A booking that is set to be automatically removed 1 day after their scheduled appointment time and was not moved into a serving state, would receive the expired tag. The booking in this case would also receive either the completed, cancelled, or No-showed tag depending on the automation you set up under Settings > Automation > Remove bookings

    Image of how to set up auto removing visits.
  • โ€‹โ€‹FLAGGED: This tag is for Internal staff use only. It can be used to prohibit certain customers from booking an appointment or joining a waitlist. It can also be used used by staff for special situations, such as missing paperwork or behavior management, needs extra time, etc.

    Image of a visit with a flagged tag.

    To prohibit customers that have been FLAGGED from joining in the future, make sure to disable Allow flagged guests to join under settings > Waitlist > General

Note: Unlike other tags that are applied to the visit, the FLAGGED tag is applied to the Customer and will remain with the customer information for future visits.

  • IMPORTED: Customers that are added to the waitlist, booking, or customer tab will be assigned this tag for reporting purposes and so that your staff can distinguish b/w those that register from other methods (e.g. website or manually added by a staff member)

  • NO-SHOW: This tag works similarly to CANCELLED. However this can only be added by the staff or through automation. It indicates that the guest did not show up to their appointment or their visit and they did not notify cancel their visit/booking.

    Image of a visit tagged as a no-show.
  • PRIORITIZED: This flag uses the prioritization/VIP feature to prioritize customers on your waitlist. This allows you to classify guests that you want to receive special waitlist privileges, effectively prioritizing them in the queue.

  • REJECTED: Customers that request a booking, but are rejected either by a staff member or automated workflow receive this tag.

    Image of where the rejected button is on the booking requests.

Using States and Tags together enhances the tracking of customer flows, providing staff with important information while keeping the visit process organized and efficient.

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