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[Legacy Settings] How to invite a User

Invite other team members to your account and give them their own login.

Leslie Leemauk avatar
Written by Leslie Leemauk
Updated over a week ago

You can invite as many other users and administrators as you'd like to your Waitwhile account.

How to invite a new user

  1. Go to Settings > Users and click the Invite User button.

  2. Enter their name, email and set which locations and permissions they should have

  3. Confirm and they will receive an email to accept the invite

Share the invite link manually

When a user has been invited, click the dropdown and select Copy invite link to manually paste their unique invite link into an email or Slack message.

You can also resend the invite by clicking Resend invite.

Revoke the invite

If you accidentally invited a user, you can revoke the invite by clicking the Revoke invitation link. This will render the invite link obsolete.

Manage permissions for each user

You can control what kind of permissions each user should have, if they should be able to view your Analytics and change settings, or only be able to manage your waitlist.

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