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[Legacy Settings] Location Settings

Where to configure General Information about your Business

Lindsey Gagnon avatar
Written by Lindsey Gagnon
Updated over a week ago

This area of settings pertains to where your business is located; both inside the Waitwhile database and the rest of the world 🌎. Here you can list your business’s name (as you would like it to be seen throughout the guest experience) as well as your Waitwhile Location’s "short name" (or what you would like your business’s Location to be known as in the Waitwhile database).

If you would like to further customize your pages with your business’s branding, this is where you would also upload your company/event’s logo. This image will display on all ‘guest-facing’ pages, making it easy for your guests to know exactly who they are interacting with (recommended dimensions are 250 x 100px).

To ensure that your guests are interacting with your business during the times you would like, this area of Settings also allows you to adjust your operating hours and the time zone your business is operating in.

You can also control the contact information you want to display to your guests and the physical address you want to display of where your business is located. Waitwhile can also help you provision any ‘sending numbers’ your Waitwhile Location is using to deliver messages if you are having SMS delivery issues (Learn more about this HERE).

Here you’ll find information pertaining to the Waitlist tab as well as the ‘public-facing’ links for the Waitlist: both a ‘display only’ version and a link your guests can use to join the waitlist on their own. Buttons are available to make it easy for you to download QR codes for both.

"Geo-Fencing" makes it easy for you to restrict your guest’s ability to add themselves to the waitlist unless they are nearby and you can set the radius around your business in this section. Settings for when the waitlist will open and close automatically on its own are also visible here, as well as prioritization/VIP (this allows you to classify guests that you want to receive special waitlist privileges) and ‘auto-remove’ options (determines when guests are automatically removed from the waitlist) for how your guest flow will work in real-time.

Here you'll find information pertaining to the Booking tab in the 'employee-facing' side of Waitwhile as well as your ‘public-facing’ links for your guests' ability to book time at your business.

These Settings allow you to adjust time slot options (how long they are) as well as the frequency in which they can occur. You can control when the time slots are available or even apply rules for your guest’s ability to book time at all.

Quick toggles make it easy to automate half of your workflow simply with 'auto-remove' options, moving your guests through the waiting process all on auto-drive. Waitwhile's 'sync' option allows you to automatically sync bookings into the waitlist before their appointed time and is a powerful partner in streamlining the waiting process for both.

In this section, you’ll find information pertaining to the Serving queue and how you will ‘serve’ your guests including options for Capacity Management (allows you to determine the number of guests allowed in your store before a waitlist is activated), options to move guests to another Location in your Waitwhile Account, as well as ‘Auto-Remove’ options.

What kind of services does your business provide for your guests? If you only have one service, there is no need to list a service. If you want the guest to select from different services that your business provides, this is where you will list them and control how your guests will select them in the check-in process.

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