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[Legacy Settings] Styling Settings

Branding and Styling your Waitwhile to match your business

Lindsey Gagnon avatar
Written by Lindsey Gagnon
Updated over a week ago

Settings > Styling > Theme

In this area of Settings, you can make it easy for your guests to recognize your waitlist by matching Waitwhile to your business. Here, you can control the colors, look, feel, and branding of your guest experience with our easy-to-use preset color boxes. For even more customization, use our HTML and CSS boxes as well!

Settings > Styling > Localization

In Waitwhile, we want to give you complete control over every part of your guest experience. That's why we give you access to change everything - down to the word! This area of Settings allows you to alter the words you find in different parts of the Guest experience, allowing you to localize texts for all areas inside your Location - essentially, this is the process of adapting Waitwhile's pre-set verbiage to your specific business.

Need to change the "back-end" language of your Location's setup? No problem! You can control your language settings here, as well.

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