Privacy and data protection have become paramount concerns for both businesses and consumers. As a business, ensuring that your users are informed and consenting to how their data is used is not only a legal requirement but also a critical component of building trust and credibility. One of the best ways to achieve this is by incorporating a privacy policy opt-in during the sign-up process.
How to add a Policy
It's easy to set your own privacy policy under Settings > Customers > Input fields.
Click Add field
Give the field a Name
Select Policy from the Type dropdown menu
Enter the policy text
Select if this policy is required for customers, staff, or both
Click Add button
Note: This text area supports basic HTML. With correct formatting, you can alter the privacy policy to display as a clickable link to be viewed elsewhere (if you have your policy hosted on another website).
Want your policy to open in a separate window?
You can use the HTML sample below as a guide to have your policy or terms of use open in a new window rather than replacing the Waitwhile registration page.
By clicking submit, you agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Use</a>
Have additional questions or need assistance? Reach out to us via chat or at