Moving customers to another location within your Waitwhile account is a powerful way to manage multi-step processes or services that span multiple locations. By transferring customers seamlessly, you can enhance their experience, streamline your workflow, and maintain accurate service records.
Why move customers to another location?
Some businesses operate across multiple locations or departments, and their customer journey might involve moving from one step to another. By using Waitwhile’s automation feature, you can ensure smooth transitions and clear communication throughout the process.
Examples of businesses that benefit from moving customers:
Healthcare clinics
Use case: Patients may check in at a reception desk and then be directed to specific departments such as radiology, lab testing, or consultation rooms.
Benefit: Transfers ensure patients don’t have to recheck in at each department.
Government services
Use case: Customers might start at a general information desk and then move to specialized counters for document submission, verification, or payment.
Benefit: Reduces confusion and ensures customers are efficiently routed to the correct department.
Automotive services
Use case: A customer dropping off their vehicle might first visit a check-in desk before being moved to a waiting area or service bay for updates.
Benefit: Keeps the process organized and enhances communication about service status.
Retail and service centers
Use case: Customers in large stores or service centers might start at a concierge and then move to specific sections, such as technical support or billing.
Benefit: Facilitates personalized service while reducing wait times.
Veterinary clinics
Use Case: A pet's visit may involve several steps, each occurring in different areas such as check-in, examination, specialty or treatment, and check-out.
Benefit: Improves coordination and customer communication.
How to Move Customers Between Locations
Step 1: Create your multi-location setup
Ensure that your Waitwhile account is configured to manage multiple locations. If you don’t have this feature enabled, you can add new locations under Account Overview > Locations.
Step 2: Enable automation
Navigate to automation by going to Settings > Automation
Select which location(s) to move a visit to when they are completed. Select one (1) location if the process is always the same. Select multiple if the process can vary depending on the visit details and required service.
Step 3: Save and Test Your Settings
Once the automation criteria is set, save your changes to apply them to your customer flow.
Run a few Test registrations to verify the proper automation is in place.
Note: When configured properly, users (staff) will receive a pop-up message on the visits page when completing a visit from the serving stage. Depending on if you have the ability to move the visit to one or multiple locations, you will be prompted to select a location. Finally, you will have the option to send messaging or remove messaging when transferring customers and have the ability to skip any move requirements to simply complete the visit out entirely.
Tips for moving customers to another location
Ensure Location-Specific Settings: Make sure the destination location is configured to handle the transfer of visits. Any required fields on the new location should also be present on the starting location (e.g. Service).
Notify Customers: Use automated SMS or email notifications to inform customers about their next steps and where they need to go.
Track Data: Monitor transfer data to identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement in the customer journey.
Moving customers between locations within Waitwhile provides a seamless way to manage multi-step services. Customers benefit from clear instructions, minimized delays, and a cohesive experience, while businesses gain operational efficiency and better resource allocation.