How to delete a User

If you want to remove your own or some other User, here's how

Chris Klemming avatar
Written by Chris Klemming
Updated over a week ago

Note: Only Admins or users with sufficient access are allowed to delete another User than their own.

We try to make it easy to manage your Team and Users in Waitwhile. If a user no longer should have access to your account or a specific location, it's easy to remove them.

Remove User from a Location

If a member of the team no longer should have access to a given location, you can change their Location access by:

  1. Click Edit next to the user

  2. Change the Locations dropdown and remove the location

Remove User from the entire Account

If a member of the team no longer works for your business, you can remove them entirely from your account by:

  1. Click Edit next to the user

  2. Click the trashcan icon in the corner and confirm

Note that if you do this by mistake, you will need to re-invite the user to your account again. Some of the data associated with their previous user will be wiped out.

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