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Pre-filling guest info with URL parameters on your public registration
Pre-filling guest info with URL parameters on your public registration

Pass customer information via URL parameters to your Waitwhile check-in and booking pages

Leslie Leemauk avatar
Written by Leslie Leemauk
Updated over 7 months ago

Waitwhile supports some autofilling query options that can be added to the URL you use to direct customers to your waitlist check-in or booking page from your own website or other external websites.

If you already have a customer portal or customer form on your website, you can use that customer data to pre-fill customer information into your Waitwhile URL.

Pre-filling is done by using query strings in the URL.

There are few components that you will need to know.

  • Question mark (?) indicates the actual query. (ex. first name)

  • Ampersand (&) indicates multiple queries. (ex. first and last name)

  • Equal sign (=) will come before the value of the query. (ex. John)

  • Percent + 20 (%20) indicates a space that should be added. (ex. John Doe)

Here are some example of supported queries:

  • Pre-fill guest full name → ?name=John%20Doe

  • Pre-fill guest first name → ?firstname=John

  • Pre-fill guest last name → ?lastname=Doe

  • Pre-fill guest phone → ?phone=8881234567

  • Pre-fill guest email → ?

  • Pre-fill guest Customer ID → ?externalcustomerid=abc123

  • Pre-fill guest party size and SKIP this step in flow → ?partysize=10

  • Set the language to e.g. French → ?locale=fr-FR

  • Redirect the customer to any website → ?

Pre-filling Custom Input Field Values

To pre-fill custom input field values, you can utilize the fields' unique dataFieldId, which can be found in the Edit modal for each custom input field.

The custom dataFieldId can be found in Settings > Customers > Input fields. Click Edit next to the input field that you want to query to locate the ID displayed at the bottom of the Edit modal.

  • ?id=value

  • ?bPKrEl7akoOnalN9SHcH=true

If pre-filling multiple custom input field values, they can be added and separated with an "&" symbol:

  • ?id=value&id=value

  • ?bPKrEl7akoOnalN9SHcH=true&CFDARAw20j9YCbsLFSUF=some_text

Using Query Parameters to Pre-Select Services and Resources

Similarly to pre-filling customer information, you can also use query parameters to pre-select services or resources. These query parameter utilizes the individual Service ID and Resource ID.

The ServiceId can be found in Settings > Services > Service. Click Edit next to the service that you would like to query to locate the ID at the bottom of the Edit modal.

The ResourceId can be found in Settings > Resources > Resource. Click Edit next to the resource that you would like to query to locate the ID at the top of the Edit modal.

To pre-select Services: (using Service ID examples)

/checkin/yourLocationName?service=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K (Waitlist Check-in)

/book/yourLocationName?service=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K (Booking Scheduling)

Adding multiple Services:


To pre-select Resources: (using Resource ID examples)

/checkin/yourLocationName?resource=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K (Waitlist Check-in)

/book/yourLocationName?resource=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K (Booking Scheduling)

Adding multiple resources:


FYI: If you use a query parameter to pre-select services or resources, it will skip that respective selection page of the check-in/scheduling signup flow.

Example use cases:

Full name and party size parameters on a Waitlist Checkin URL:

Custom input field parameters combined with phone number parameter on a Booking URL

Combine pre-selection of services and resources with other parameters:;bPKrEl7akoOnalN9SHcH&bPKrEl7akoOnalN9SHcH=true&name=John%20Doe&

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