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[Legacy Settings] Messages Settings

Everything associated with the emails and SMS messages sent from Waitwhile

Lindsey Gagnon avatar
Written by Lindsey Gagnon
Updated over a week ago

Settings > Customer Messages

We know that communication is key when talking with your customers - that's why we've made it easy for you to configure or manage your SMS and Email messages to Guests at every stage of the waiting or booking experience. For more detailed information on configuring these automated messages, check out our article on Messages.

Settings > Customer Messages > Customer Message Options

Do you find your guests ask the same questions, over and over? Speed up your response times and get your customers help faster by prewriting and using 'saved responses' to your most commonly asked questions in this part of Settings. These saved responses will appear and can be used in the chat module when communicating with your guests.

Settings > Team Notifications

It's not just customers that can get messages with Waitwhile; your employees can get them too! Waitwhile allows you to manage the SMS, Email, and Push notifications that are sent to your team based on customers' activity and where they are in the waiting process. This means Waitwhile can let your employees know when someone has made a Booking with them, joined the Waitlist for a Service they provide, or even send guest information to your employees, dispatching location information for where your employee should go next.

This is also the section where you can set up sound notifications to be played whenever a customer joins the waitlist, a new customer is added or served. You can view this in Settings > Team Notifications > Product Sounds

NOTE: this section allows you to edit the text that your employees receive, but you cannot activate them on their behalf. To activate the user notifications, the users have to go to their own user profile settings and select the notifications they would like to receive:

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