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[Legacy Settings] Overview of Public Page Links
[Legacy Settings] Overview of Public Page Links

Links galore, but confusion no more!

Lindsey Gagnon avatar
Written by Lindsey Gagnon
Updated this week

For an introduction to Waitwhile public links, check out the article:

Registration links

Waitwhile includes a variety of links for customers to start their journey.

  • Under Settings > Join Waitlist you can find your links to join a single waitlist or all waitlists across your account.

  • Under Settings > Online Bookings you can find your links to make a booking for a single location or to make a booking at any of the locations that exist within that account.

  • Under Settings > Arrivals you can find a link where customers with an active visit can check-in that they have arrived at your business.

Join Waitlist

Online Bookings


All links should start out with


Account Wide (for all locations)

  • All Locations > Join Waitlists: Allows the customer to select which location to join.

    • /accounts/yourAccountName

  • All Locations > View Public Waitlists: Public Facing link used to view all active waitlists in the account

    • /accounts/yourAccountName/waitlists

Public Links as Placeholder Variables for Messages

You can include special placeholder variables within SMS and Email messages/alerts to send certain links to your guests.

{welcomeLink} - Welcome Page

{checkInLink} - Waitlist Check-in

{schedulingLink} - Booking Scheduling Link

{link} - Customer Status Page or Booking Confirmation Page

{locationsLink} - All Locations Public Waitlist

{locationsCheckInLink} - All Locations Waitlist Check-in

Note: The full link will be included in the SMS message which does count towards your character limit in your SMS billing. The link will be auto-shortened to help reduce this character count.

Adding Query Parameters to Links

To pre-fill customer information

You can pre-fill Check-in and Scheduling page forms with customer information such as name, phone number, email, and external customer ID, etc, by adding query parameters to your Waitlist Check-in and Booking Scheduling links.

For more information on how to do this, check out this help article.

To automatically select a specific Service or Resource

Similarly to pre-filling customer information, you can also use query parameters to pre-select services or resources. These query parameter utilizes the individual Service ID and Resource ID, which can be found in the Service/Resource edit module for each individual service/resource (see below screenshot).

To pre-select Services: (using Service ID examples)

  • /checkin/yourLocationName?service=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K (Join Waitlist)

  • /book/yourLocationName?service=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K (Schedule Booking)

You can add on multiple services by adding &service= for each additional service:

  • /book/yourLocationName?service=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K&service=bPKrEl7akoOnalN9SHcH

To pre-select Resources: (using Resource ID examples)

  • /checkin/yourLocationName?resource=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K (Join Waitlist)

  • /book/yourLocationName?resource=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K (Schedule Booking)

You can add on multiple resources by adding &resource= for each additional resource:

  • /book/yourLocationName?resource=lu5UZ3VtS3CqY4Ij7v4K&resource=bPKrEl7akoOnalN9SHcH

Note: If you use a query parameter to pre-select services or resources, it will skip that respective selection page of the join/scheduling signup flow.

Editing Your Links

Location/queue specific links use your Location's shortname and Account-wide links (aka All locations links) use your Account shortname.

You can change your Location's shortname under the Settings > General.

Both types of shortnames must be unique on Waitwhile meaning that whatever you choose can't already be in use by another Waitwhile location/account. It is best to try to come up with something that is unique to your organization as, if you try to change your Location shortname to something that is already in use, you will get an error.

Recommended unique shortnames can include a shortened version of your company name & city or company name & function.

  • wwatlantaga = Waitwhile Atlanta, GA

  • wwcurbside = Waitwhile Curbside Pickup

Additional Resources:

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