Analytics: Glossary of Terms

Explanations and definitions for reporting terms

Lindsey Gagnon avatar
Written by Lindsey Gagnon
Updated over a week ago


Total Visits

This is the total number of visits created or updated during the period, either through Waitlisting, Bookings, or Capacity Management.
​Note: When using Capacity Management, the platform will count individual visits created and then log a SERVING visit when a number of visits equal to partySize is reached.

Waitlisted guests

Total number of customers or guests who were added to the Waitlist by a staff member, through public registration links, or via the Booking-to-Waitlist Sync with a recorded "Waitlist Time". This number includes multiple visits by the same customer.

Bookings this period

Total number of bookings scheduled within the chosen period of time.

New bookings made

Total number of bookings created during this period (but the actual date of the booking may fall outside of this period)

Avg wait time

The average wait time for a guest visit, calculated as the time elapsed between when they were first waitlisted (WAITLIST_TIME) and when they were served (SERVE_TIME). This metric only takes into account guests who were served.


Total number of customer visits marked as Served, with a recorded "Serve Time"

Avg serve duration

The average time that it takes to serve guests, calculated as the average time elapsed between SERVE_TIME and the COMPLETED_TIME. This may not be applicable if you are auto-removing customers from the SERVED state or using the Capacity Management tool


Customers who were marked as a No-Show by a staff member. These customers were never checked in and automatically removed from the queue after being marked as a no show.


Total contacts

Total number of customers or guests, similar to Total Visits, but taking party size into account by counting each member of a single party as a distinct contact.


Total number of unique customers or guests, similar to Total Visits but without counting additional visits associated with the same customer. Does not take party size into account.
A customer is defined by its contact info, such as phone, email or any customer identifier provided. If no such id can be derived a random unique identifier will be assigned to the customer. Anonymous visits such as these will all be treated as unique customers.

Avg party size

Depending on your configuration, the average party size will be calculated if party size is collected as part of your registration process.

Repeat Visitors (%)

Percentage of new unique customers or guests during this period.

Wait time insights

Avg wait time

The average wait time for a guest visit. I.e. the time elapsed between the time they were first waitlist (WAITLIST_TIME) and until they were served (SERVE_TIME). This will only take into account those guests that were served.

Longest wait

Longest wait time recorded for a Waitlist visit.

Shortest wait

Shortest wait time recorded for a Waitlist visit.

Average serve time

The average serve time for a guest visit. I.e. the time elapsed between the time they were first served (SERVE_TIME) until they were marked as Completed (COMPLETED_TIME). This will only take into account those guests that were Completed.

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